We welcome all fellow bicyclists to the next Putrajaya Critical Mass! Yes, it's back again this 25th July 2008. Same time same place. Let's make some noise and celebrate cycling. Whether you're a noob or a hardcore pro, just come and let's cycle down the government boulevard with bike bells and horns.
The distance is 20 kilometers of a slow paced ride. The speed is on the average 15-25 km/h. Don't worry if your kids want to come along. We have seasoned riders and regulars who will be escorting the group. If you're afraid that you're not fit enough for the ride, we say, no problem! We will be there to cycle with you till the end! Promise. No man is left behind.
Date: 25 July 2008
Venue: Restoran Darussalam Presint 9
(We called the area Mamak Double Trouble because there are two mamak restaurants side by side - you get the drift? Situated between the Star office and a Perodua Showroom)
Meeting time: 9.00 PM SHARP - like a knife!
Ride time: 9.30 PM
Distance: About 20km
Ride speed: 15-25km/h
The meeting is at a mamak called Restoran Darussalam in Presint 9.
Click on the image below for the directions to the meeting point.

Please help us promote the Putrajaya Critical Mass. Click on the flyer image below, save, photostate them as much as possible and help distribute them!

kt dlm flyers tuh address web salah laaa......ni yg betul.....http://putrajayacriticalmass.blogspot.com/...........kena repair tuh.....
Haha! Thanks for noticing. :)
Nanti kita tukarkan. Terima kasih.
bro road bike boleh ikut tak
Memang la kayuh ngan korang
hallo anonymous,
road bike boleh jugak... :) mtb boleh, basikal tiga roda pun lanyak! hehehehehehe... kita slow paced rilek2 jek. itu hari ramai roadie. :)
hello abu soffian,
Mari la datang. Kita kayuh relax2. Bawak member2 ramai2. :)
kalo basikal dah patah frame tapi bley kayuh lagi bley tak? :P
hahahaha ober, apa sudah jadi?
basikal crack ke patah?
kalau boleh jalan lagi boleh la kot kalau nak ikut. tapi saya tak sure la boleh tahan 20km...
dah kena tukar frame cun ni... hehehehe
ober duuuuuuuuuude!
just read your blog. you ok or not?
sorry man.
hope you get well soon. sorry about serena.
Hi,... I was asked to look at your blog for directions. Do let me know if any of your riders cycle to work. I have started a blog to encourage working people to cycle to work at http://cyclingprofessionals.blogspot.com.
Let me know what you think of that!
hi draston!
great blog you have there. :) i think we have a few fellas in the mass who commute to work. you can ask around when you come this month.
really great blog. can i link yours?
see you at the mass!
oke oke. im all good. okay okay. ill represent my new frame later lah at this Friday's CM. oke? hahaha. ;)
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