30July 10 - In Memory of Ibrahim

We collected RM648 last nite & a swarm of 90 cyclists rode in memory of Ibrahim. PCM have decided to give 50% of the collection to Ibrahims's parents & the remainder to any kid who is down with the big C. Uncle Allen Lai (May Senn's dad) & Kash is taking charge of it.

I'd like to thank everyone for the support. U guys r a generous bunch. Great 2 c that there r still wonderful & caring humanoids around. For PCM, we're just doin our bit & we're glad we cud help.
May Allah S.W.T bless everyone.

ManCIOCC & d PCM Clan

*During Ramadan , there's a special ride every Friday nite after Tarawih at 11:30pm onwards. Starting point - Mamak Double Trouble, Precinct 9. We will invite you humanoids thru Facebook too. So keep a lookout. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.


kookykash said...

thank you everyone!

Allen Lai said...

I really enjoyed my ride. Thanks for your kind contributions. Selamat berpuasa bulan Ramadan nanti. You guys rock.

I have some photos at my website



Allen Lai
