Some of you guys who often ride with PCM, might know this route. This route is a favourite by the roadies for recovery sessions. We're riding this route again this week but we're invading the Putrajaya Mosque area this time. Let's show how much fun we're having, riding bikes in a mass. (Make sure we're in a MASS! :P)

So here's the route. For those who are not familiar, don't worry - it's an easy route. Some would be taken aback by the distance but 24.5km seriously an easy-peasy, done-deal if you ride in a group. Stop looking at your meter and cycle at your own pace. Don't worry about being slow, we have marshals/guides/regulars who will help each other in the ride.
The point is everyone needs to support each other and make sure everyone has a great time.
The route takes you to beautiful Putrajaya bridges, the Government Boulevard where we can have a few pics taken at the Palace of Justice, scenic views of the Putrajaya lake from a bridge and a Pasar Malam. Hehe.
There's a slight elevation at the highway but it's very much achievable. 7-year-olds and the roaring 50's have conquered this highway too many times. Just remember, for the first timers, use comfortable gearings and take your own pace. Do not try to follow others. We follow yours. Seriously. :D I will!
For more, check this out. This is a great site for you to map your ride. It says in the name. Duh.
Well, i guess that's about it. I hope there will be a lot of turnouts this time. Especially female riders. Pray hard it's not going to rain. Most importantly, please enjoy your ride. Wishing massers all over the world to have a great ride this Friday! :)
En.Daoh Darko, saya akan datang bersama member basikal tua.....Insya Allah.....ini cuma test power saje...jumpa lagi.
You are more than welcome. Apa2 hal please enjoy the ride. :D Datang ye!
wah ada geng basikal tua nak ni...rudyyyyyyyyyy bawak camera pls!!!!
Esok aku sampe! aku bawak camera baru :D tapi tader flash la, no flash no style la ;p
Haha! Ok cun amik gambor bebanyak... Mau pakai beg aku tak? Nanti aku bawak sekali.
yaw doah. aku tagged kau di blog aku! :D
Skrg ni [6:00pm] tengah hujan lebat around PutraJaya, tak ada tanda nak reda... teruskan ke batal?
insyallah.. newcomer will join too..
my post PCM Babes in Bikeland
terima kasih daoh. had a good ride and good reason to meet up with my good frens kash n day-o.
Puas hati dpt sesama kayuh mlm tadi, terasa urat kaki tegang. Apa-apapun syabas penganjur....jumpa lagi bulan depan.
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