It’s 2009. And it’s a new beginning to Putrajaya Critical Mass. We’re very grateful to survive last year despite the rants and the unbelievers. But whatever right? It’s like cycling, there are swerves, uphills, downhills, getting bonked and left behind from the group and there’s always the first 100 placings where you get a medal and certificate. Let bygones be bygones. We’re hoping for the best and let’s cycle even MORE this year!
This first month, we’re just plain KAYUH! No bulls and pees from others. Let’s get together and start afresh with one another and just have that plain, “fun” ride (haha! Ada lagi yang kena komen lepas ni…)
Date: 30 January 2009
Venue: Restoran Darussalam Presint 9 (Mamak Double Trouble)
Ride time: 9.30 PM
Distance: About 20km
Ride speed: 15-25km/h
Beginners and seasoned are all invited. Let’s start cycling the new year with good sweats and smiles. Happy new year everyone and hope to see you soon!
On a lighter note,
See the contributors up there on the left hand side?
Yeah, this blog is ready to go to a greener pasture. They are great cyclists who have big hearts. They’re all about being a great support to the cycling culture in Malaysia. I hope with their involvement in this blog will take PCM to another level.
In the hope of sharing, we like to invite everyone to write/contribute/hate mail/love mail us. Write anything you like and we will publish them here in the blog. This blog is for all you guys who love to ride with PCM. Send them to putrajayamasser[at]yahoo.com. State your name/nickname and your site/blog (if you have).
Here we go again, massers! Working towards a great "cycling 2009"...
yahooo!!!! taun baru... abg datang!!!
sehari selepas birthday aku tuh..
ok sapa nak bawak kek?? lilin? belon???
p/s: jgn buat lawak blow angin dlm tiup beskal n buat funny balloons out of it..hehehe.. although it sounds fun :)
wah menarik bday Aini...per kata kita bawk tepung ramai2x...abis la ko Aini...>:)..akuk evil
kedai mamak tu pun ada tepung gak.. tapi untuk dia buat roti canai haha
apa kelas tepung... telur busuk sudeyyyy...
yahoo eden dtg Beskalchapayam
kali ni aku nak dtg tapi tanak kayuh, nak naik kete plak! aku nak jadi sniper :P
I am just doing my bit to help in promoting cycling. I m just an ordinary person (not great cyclist la) that just prefer bicycling to work. I hope to see more Malaysians cycle to work besides all those exciting and glamorous weekend and nite rides. Let bicycling be our way of life:-)
abeh laaaa ko aini.. ek elleee apa barang naik keta fiq woagahahahahahah
Aiseyman, I will be at my kampung for Chinese New Year la. Tgk I boleh balik awal tak to join this ride. :)
Takpelaa... PCM will always be here every month la... you go spend time with family.
btw, Happy Chinese New Year. May your year is prosperous enough to belanja me a new groupset. :P
Will come and join.. this time around will kayuh also..
hahaha...i'm coming dis month wehhh....
btw, Happy Chinese New Year....(adiputrajaya)
rudy : ARGHHH!! bagi la aku plak bawak kete smbil klua sniper ;p btw, abg sudah bli itu F42, tader goyang da mau shoot malam :D
nak join gak la,,,lepas last pcm tak penah lagi kayuh sampai sekrang,,,huhu,,
bok..hope to c u..coz waiting for angpaw :)
Pasti kan bawak hadiah untuk bola2 api
belikan aku cycling jersey satu udah le
Dengan penuh rasa segan, saya, Bang Chik Kelolo, ingin menyertai tuan-tuan dan puan-puan semua berkayuh bersama massa...
Iiii...belum kayuh dah rasa sonok.
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